Our Facilities

Day Center for Adults with Autism "SEIRIOS" in Gerakas, Attica
As part of the “Health-Welfare 2000-2006” Program, the Greek Association for People with Autism (EEPA) established and operates the Day Center for Adults with Autism, "SEIRIOS," in Gerakas, Attica.
In a comfortable and pleasant environment, adults with autism receive daily education and recreation at the Day Center through a wide range of activities, which follow globally recognized and accepted educational-therapeutic interventions (TEACCH, PECS, MAKATON). Experienced and specialized staff support the beneficiaries in developing both social and other essential skills.
The aim of the "SEIRIOS" Day Center is to provide adults with autism, primarily individuals with multiple challenges, with training in an environment that accepts, supports, and assists them in addressing and fulfilling their needs.
Contact Number: +30 210 6086285
Residential Care Facility for People with Autism “ELENI GYRA”
The First Educational and Living Center for Adults with Autism in Greece, located 1 km before the village of Zitsa and 27 km from the city of Ioannina.
Specifically designed and adapted to offer the love and warmth of a home environment, it provides residence, education, and recreation for 12 adults with autism from the region of Epirus.
The center was established through donations from the late Dr. Georgios Gyra, who was from Zitsa, in memory of his first wife, Eleni Gyra, as well as support from the Christian Brotherhood "The Mother of Pogoni" and the French Charity Organization of the "Order of the Knights of Malta."
In addition to care, the goal of the ELENI GYRA is to offer a pleasant, quality, and dignified living environment, providing care and recreation. Another objective is lifelong, tailored education for the 12 residents to enhance their skills and improve their abilities, especially in areas of self-management, communication, and socialization.
Contact Phone: +30 26580 23497

Residential Care Facility “Ariadne II”
Within the framework of the Operational Program "Central Macedonia 2014-2020" and under the Priority Axis "Promotion of Social Inclusion and Combating Poverty - ESF," the Greek Society Protecting People with Autism (GSPAP) operates a boarding house for fifteen (15) adults with chronic low-functioning autism spectrum disorders, named "Ariadne II."
Project Budget: €1,162,490.01
Located in Pylaia , Thessaloniki at 41 Elaionon Street, ARIADNI II is housed in a modern building with a surrounding area of four (4) acres.
The operations of "Ariadne II" include not only accommodation but also skill development services, participation in social events, and creative activities for the residents, along with psychological support for them and their families, as well as training programs for the staff. Additionally, it involves publicity, awareness, networking, and dissemination actions that contribute to the boarding house’s goals and enhance its sustainable development.
Contact Number: +30 2310 325799