EEPA Members: Regular, Supporting, Affiliate
According to its Constitution, members of the Hellenic Association for the Protection of Autistic Individuals (E.E.P.A.A.) can be both parents of the child upon application, as well as natural and legal persons who accept its objectives.
The members of the Association are categorized into:
- Founding Regular Members
- Collective Members
- Supporting Members
- Affiliate Members
- Honorary Members
A. Founding Members are the parents of autistic individuals who took the initiative to establish the Charitable Association in 1992.
B. Regular Members include parents, siblings, guardians, or legal representatives of individuals with autism, upon application. Besides parents and siblings, a fourth-degree relative may also become a Regular Member. Other relatives or friends of autistic individuals may be accepted as Supporting Members.
Founding and Regular Members have the right to elect the Board of Directors and be elected to it.
C. Supporting Members are individuals or entities, any citizen who feels love for individuals with autism and wishes to provide moral, financial, scientific, or other assistance towards the Association's objectives, upon application. Supporting Members who are autism specialists or other professionals, such as lawyers, can also serve as advisors to the Association if they wish. Supporting Members provide an annual subscription equal to that of Regular Members.
D. Affiliate Members are recognized Associations or Parents' and Friends' Societies of Autistic Individuals who wish to join the Hellenic Association for the Protection of Autistic Individuals while maintaining their identity for a period of time, upon application. For legal entities to be registered, a decision of their Board of Directors is required, along with a copy of their constitution, demonstrating that their objectives do not conflict with those of the Association.
Regular Member Registration
The Regular Member Application Form must be completed separately for each parent.
It must be accompanied by:
- A photocopy of the diagnosis from a Public Hospital, clearly stating that the child has a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Autism, Autism Spectrum.
- A photocopy from KEPA.
You can send them by mail to the following address:
E.E.P.A.A. Athinas 2 10551 Athens
You can also visit our offices at Athinas 2, 10551 Monastiraki, Athens, 2nd floor, last door, Monday to Friday from 10:00-16:00, bringing the Regular Member Application Form and the required documents with you.
You can fill in the Supporting Member Application Form and send it electronically along with proof of subscription payment.
For more information, you can contact the Central Offices of E.E.P.A.A. at 2103216550, or visit our offices at Athinas 2, 10551 Monastiraki, Athens, 2nd floor, last door, Monday to Friday from 10:00-16:00.
Monday to Friday from 10:00-16:00.
The Hellenic Association for the Protection of Autistic Individuals (E.E.P.A.A.) is a charitable organization, founded in 1992, and currently has more than 1,000 members, including parents or siblings of individuals with autism, as well as scientists involved in autism.
The purpose of E.E.P.A.A. is to defend the rights of individuals with autism and their families. As a Pan-Hellenic Organization, E.E.P.A.A. has branches in Thessaloniki, Epirus, Chios, and Piraeus, and has affiliated members in other parents' associations in Alexandroupoli, Chania, Larissa, Patras, and Athens. It also participates in ESAMEA ( and in International Organizations such as Autism Europe ( and the World Autism Organization.
Name | Phone | |
Athens | | 2103216550 |
Thessaloniki | | 2310241287 |
Epirus | | |
Pireaus | | |
Chios | |
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