History of E.E.P.A.A.
In November 1992, 80 parents of autistic individuals from Athens, Piraeus, Heraklion Crete, Volos, Larissa, Ioannina, Kozani, Veria, and Thessaloniki founded the Hellenic Association for the Protection of Autistic Individuals (E.E.P.A.A.), whose purpose is 'to work for the rights of individuals with autism and other related conditions where autistic traits predominate and determine their needs in daily life, education, therapy, and lifelong protection'.
Today, the Hellenic Association for the Protection of Autistic Individuals has more than 850 Founding and Regular members, who are parents of autistic children from almost all over Greece, 4 Affiliate members, which are local parents' associations in Athens, Larissa, Evros, and Chania, Branches in Thessaloniki, Ioannina, Volos, Patras, and Chios, approximately 210 Supporting members, including 40 Psychiatrists - Child Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Educators, Social Workers, and other Specialists and University professors, who form an Interdisciplinary Department for Autism that scientifically supports the work of the Association. Honorary members of the Scientific Department include distinguished scientists from Europe and America, such as Eric Schopler, professor of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine USA, Rita Jordan, professor of the University of Birmingham School of Education UK, Dr. Lorna Wing, Dr. Theo Peeters, Dr. Michael Rutter, and others.
To strengthen its efforts and achieve its goals, E.E.P.A.A. sought and achieved collaboration with the European and global movement for the protection of autistic individuals. It represents Greece in the European Union of Autism Organizations, Autism-Europe, in which national autism organizations from EU countries and other European countries participate, where it actively participates through its board member, Professor Sophia Bonanou. It also participates in the Board of Directors of Autism Europe and the Board of Directors of the World Autism Organization, with Honorary President Mr. Christos Alexiou, who serves as Vice President, representing European Autism Organizations. Additionally, it collaborates with the Greek disability movement and is a member of the Panhellenic Federation of Parents and Guardians of Individuals with Disabilities (POSGAMEA) and the National Confederation of Persons with Disabilities (ESAMEA).
The Hellenic Association for the Protection of Autistic Individuals (E.E.P.A.A.) is established, a charitable organization that today has more than 1,000 members, including parents or siblings of individuals with autism, as well as scientists involved in autism.
The court of first instance, by its decision (1074/1993), approves its constitution.
By a special decision of the Athens Prefecture (6183.11-06-1997), E.E.P.A.A. was recognized as a Special Charitable Association.
It is included in the National Registry of Private Sector Non-Profit Organizations providing social care services (Government Gazette 541/02-07-1997, Government Gazette 3101/18-11-2014).
"The purpose of E.E.P.A.A. is to defend the rights of individuals with autism and their families in life. As a Pan-Hellenic Organization, E.E.P.A.A. has branches in Thessaloniki, Epirus, Chios, Volos, and Piraeus, and has affiliated members in other parent associations in Alexandroupoli, Chania, Larissa, Patras, and Athens. It also participates in POSGAMEA (www.posgamea.gr), ESAMEA (www.esamea.gr), and in international organizations, such as Autism Europe and the World Autism Organization.
The actions of E.E.P.A.A. focus on raising public awareness, supporting families of individuals with autism, and advocating for the establishment of services and facilities by the state, and include:
- Organizing lectures and seminars on autism for parents and professionals
- Organizing a Pan-European Conference on Autism in 1995
- Conducting two Specialized Training Seminars for Autism professionals, one of which was 600 hours long
- Creating a unique library on autism in Greek
- Securing, through its efforts, the rights of individuals with autism to health, welfare, and education in four laws and advocating for the implementation of relevant international conventions by the Greek state
- Operating a model Boarding House, the Autism Residential Facility "Eleni Gyra," for 12 adults with autism in Zitsa, Ioannina, with state funding
- Operating the Day Center for 22 adults with autism "SEIRIOS" in Gerakas, Attica, with state funding
- Planning the construction and operation of three more Autism Support Centers in the prefectures of Magnesia, Thessaloniki, and Attica, with funding from the European Union
- Conducting CYGNET seminars, a structured psychoeducation program for parents and caregivers in understanding the Autism Spectrum in recent years (2015-2019). (cygnet.gr)
- Operating parent support groups, organizing recreational weekends, and holding two Festivals for Individuals with Autism
- Participating in the camping program of POSGAMEA (www.posgamea.gr)
- Participating in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Athens Half Marathon with the team "RUN FOR AUTISM" (www.athinahalfmarathon.gr)
- Participating in the 30th, 31st, 32nd, 33rd, 34th, 35th, and 36th Athens Authentic Marathon in 2018 as an official partner organization with a team of athletes wearing T-shirts with the message "RUN FOR AUTISM" (https://www.athensauthenticmarathon.gr) (E.E.P.A.A. Press Release)
- Participating in the 1st European Championship (ECAP-Progetto Filippide) for athletes with Autism in September 2017 in Italy (http://progettofilippide.com/ecap) (http://progettofilippide.com)
- Operating creative afternoon activity groups for children, teenagers, and adults with specialists on a volunteer basis in collaboration with the Municipality of Athens (OPEN SCHOOLS program)
- Collaboration with The Happy Art (http://www.thehappyart.org), giving children and adults with autism the opportunity to attend movie screenings in sensory-friendly conditions for individuals with autism (Sensory Friendly)
- Collaboration with CineDoc (https://www.cinedoc.gr/about-cinedoc) to raise public awareness and familiarize people with the topic of autism